31 Oct MaPS Savings Charter
Scottish Universities Community Bank (SUCB) have signed the Money & Pensions Service (MaPS) Savings Charter.
The Savings Charter, delivered by MaPS is a set of commitments that savings providers can sign up to, in order to help raise the profile of savings in the UK. It is part of the UK Strategy for Financial Wellbeing coordinated by the Money and Pensions Service.
The Savings Charter outlines five commitments, and at SUCB, we believe our service encompasses all five. From encouraging employees, alumni, and students of Scotland’s Universities and Colleges to begin building savings to talking about the importance of saving, we deliver all five.
Our CEO, Luke McGilvray, said, “Our commitment to helping our common bond build savings has been and always will be our number one priority. The benefits of building a nest egg of savings go beyond improving financial well-being, it can improve both mental and physical well-being.”
The Savings Charter badge will be displayed on our website to highlight our commitment to its cause.
Luke went onto say, “We are extremely proud to have signed up for the Savings Charter. Our Board of Directors and staff team look forward to further delivering on the charter’s five commitments.”
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